Saturday, March 10, 2012

10 Weird Laws That I Didn't Know Yesterday!!!

 My 9 year old daughter, Kiersten, is already showing strong signs of "thinking outside the box". She never fails to amaze me with the questions she asks. Now with a normal child you get questions like "mommy, why is the sky blue?" or "mommy, why do we have stop lights?". Not Kiersten. She asks questions that most people don't think about like "mommy, when you add more pop to your glass, does the pop that's already in there go to the top of the glass or stay at the bottom?". Her question reminded me of a piece that was in the local newspaper when I was younger called "Weird Laws", so I decided to put a list together of 10 weird laws that I didn't know yesterday....

1) Did you know that in Atlanta, Georgia no man is allowed to be on another man's back? Not that I know a whole lot of men that give each other piggy back rides, but I guess that law kind of puts a damper on things....

2)In the state of Illinois the English language is not to be spoken. Well, that settles the debate over whether or not people who speak other languages be permitted in the US....

3) In Brookfield, Wisconsin tattooing is illegal unless it is used for medical purposes. I had bronchitis last week, does that count?

 4) In Lawrence, Kansas all cars entering the city limits must first sound their horn to warn the horses of their arrival. I used to live in Lawrence and I don't remember a lot of horses....

5) Las Cruces, New Mexico apparently has a problem with people taking their lunch to work or school because it is against the law to carry a lunch box on Main Street. Hopefully there is not a school on Main Street or a lot of children will be ticketed....

6) Waynesboro, Virginia female drivers beware: It is illegal for a woman to drive a car up Main Street unless her husband is walking in front of the car waving a red flag. Now I know where all the "women driver" jokes come from!

7) In Rhode Island, any marriage where either of the parties is an idiot or lunatic is null and void. Hmm, I won't even expand on this one.

8) It is illegal to rob a bank and then shoot at the bank teller with a water pistol according to Louisiana state law. I would suggest just taking the money and leaving.

9) In Florida, you may not pass gas in a public place after 6 PM. Better get home by 6!

10) In Massachusetts snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked. Oh man, I will never move there.

 There it is, we now know we must honk to warn horses, not carry a water gun to rob a bank, and definitely don't eat beans before 6 p.m. Next time Kiersten asks an in-depth question, I will answer her by telling her that in Little Rock, Arkansas in it unlawful to walk one’s cow down Main Street after 1:00 PM on Sunday, and hopefully that will suffice. For more humorous and dumb laws visit, a special thank to them for all the useless information.

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