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Monday, November 28, 2011
A Rhyming Review for "An Alphabet Trip to the Limerick Zoo"
There once was a blogger named Cathi
Who read a book and was laughing
It sure was a joy
for both girl and for boy
And in her review she'll be clapping!
"An Alphabet Trip to the Limerick Zoo"
Provided such a fun preview.
My children did wiggle
then smiled and then giggled
When all of the animals debuted.
From Jackals and Koalas and Cats
To lots of fun animal facts.
With cute illustrations
and lots of great lessons
It makes for fantastic chats.
It's available on Kindles and Nooks
and iPad tablets and eBooks
For parents who home school
it's a great teaching tool
'Cause limericks provide silly hooks.
We always provide you a rating
hoping it won't be degrading
5 out of 5 stars
this rating is ours
So you will know what you'll be facing.
An Alphabet Trip to the Limerick Zoo was written by Jeannette Ramirez with Illustrations by the AIC College of Design
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Our Own Personal Lego City-Priceless!!!
Our family has always been all things Lego. We have Lego City, Lego Hero Factory, Lego Harry Potter, Lego Indiana Jones, Lego Star Wars, and the list goes on and on. We have t-shirts and sweat shirts, magazines and movies, board games and video games. I'm telling you, our home should be made out of Legos! We are our own Legoland!

So it was not surprising that when Kiersten celebrated her 9th birthday Friday that she wanted Legos. Even less surprising that Daddy pulled out the 8-gallon tub so that they could all build a huge Lego city of their own.

Charles (aka daddy) has been collecting Legos since he was a boy. His mom kept them all and now we have passed them down to our children. Hopefully, they will pass them down to theirs. Legos are simple, fun, and provide hours of entertainment. Not only that, they provide a tradition that our family can pass down and that is priceless!!!
Charles (aka daddy) has been collecting Legos since he was a boy. His mom kept them all and now we have passed them down to our children. Hopefully, they will pass them down to theirs. Legos are simple, fun, and provide hours of entertainment. Not only that, they provide a tradition that our family can pass down and that is priceless!!!
(Daddy is a landscaper for a living so the kids put him in their town)
(Kiersten built an airplane)
(William and his jail cell)
(Daddy and his City Monument)
(Sadie with her Jet Fighter)
(Daddy's Super Copter)
The opinions expressed here are solely my own and are not affiliated in anyway with Lego or
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Speaking of Traditions....My Top 4!!!
The holidays are upon us and everyone is in full swing. Thanksgiving has passed, and Black Friday to boot, and traditions are being passed down through the generations. I love the thought of traditions and watching our children pick up on the fact that different things are in fact traditions. So I thought I would share a few of our fun traditions and I would like to hear about some of yours-they don't even have to be holiday related!
1-My most favorite tradition is not even a holiday tradition but a daily tradition in our home. At bed time, all of us sit together and play a game we call high/low. High/low consists of everyone going around in a circle saying the favorite part of their day and the worst part of their day. What makes this so special is that they are encouraged to say whatever they want, even if the worst part may be "getting grounded" or "punching my sister". They will not get into trouble for their worst part and encourages open and honest communication, as well as seeing something positive even if the day may have been crummy. We then follow up by praying and hugs and kisses!
2-Remember Gumby? I am not that old so some of my elders will remember him quite well while some of the younger readers might be like "who?" Anyways, our household has a little 4-inch plastic Gumby figurine that mysteriously changes hiding spots. The fun thing about how small he is is that our family can hide him in the weirdest places. This traditional game takes hide and seek to the next level. One person may choose to hide Gumby (usually in the most obvious places). A couple days may go by and all of the sudden you will hear "I found Gumby". There are only a few rules....if you find Gumby, you cannot tell anyone else where you found him at. The other rule is that he be put in a spot that he will not disappear completely (like on the back of toilet where he may inadvertently be flushed). There are no other rules, so Gumby might peek at you while you are cooking, or even better when you are taking a shower, then he may end up somewhere else for a few weeks.....who knows?
3-Christmas morning, the best day of the year. While our family does not go to church as much as we should or do what we should at all times, we do believe in God and we do celebrate Jesus on His birthday. I love this part of Christmas Day, because my kids are so patient and are really on board with this tradition. Every Christmas morning, before we do anything else, we get out our big Christmas candle and put it in the middle of the living room floor. Then we all surround it and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and spend a moment in prayer. I cannot believe we have been doing this tradition for about 8 years now and my kids are okay with it. They do not rush it, they are not fidgety, they respect that this day is to be about Jesus first. Man, that brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it! A wonderful family tradition!
4-Speaking of Christmas, Christmas Eve has always been a night for us to open up one present. This has been a tradition since I was a little girl and my sister and I both do it now in our own homes. On Christmas Eve, we were always allowed to open one present, that our mom picked out, and it would always be the same thing: a pair of pajamas. We knew that would be what we opened, and we loved it. We would shoot to our rooms to put them on so that we could be cozy in them for when Santa came. My mom carried that tradition on even now, buying me and my sister pajamas every year (and I am now 35). I do the same with our kids, every Christmas Eve they know they will get to open a present, and that it will always be that pair of pajamas.
It has been fun sharing my most favorite traditions with you all, I'm looking forward to hearing yours!
1-My most favorite tradition is not even a holiday tradition but a daily tradition in our home. At bed time, all of us sit together and play a game we call high/low. High/low consists of everyone going around in a circle saying the favorite part of their day and the worst part of their day. What makes this so special is that they are encouraged to say whatever they want, even if the worst part may be "getting grounded" or "punching my sister". They will not get into trouble for their worst part and encourages open and honest communication, as well as seeing something positive even if the day may have been crummy. We then follow up by praying and hugs and kisses!
2-Remember Gumby? I am not that old so some of my elders will remember him quite well while some of the younger readers might be like "who?" Anyways, our household has a little 4-inch plastic Gumby figurine that mysteriously changes hiding spots. The fun thing about how small he is is that our family can hide him in the weirdest places. This traditional game takes hide and seek to the next level. One person may choose to hide Gumby (usually in the most obvious places). A couple days may go by and all of the sudden you will hear "I found Gumby". There are only a few rules....if you find Gumby, you cannot tell anyone else where you found him at. The other rule is that he be put in a spot that he will not disappear completely (like on the back of toilet where he may inadvertently be flushed). There are no other rules, so Gumby might peek at you while you are cooking, or even better when you are taking a shower, then he may end up somewhere else for a few weeks.....who knows?
3-Christmas morning, the best day of the year. While our family does not go to church as much as we should or do what we should at all times, we do believe in God and we do celebrate Jesus on His birthday. I love this part of Christmas Day, because my kids are so patient and are really on board with this tradition. Every Christmas morning, before we do anything else, we get out our big Christmas candle and put it in the middle of the living room floor. Then we all surround it and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and spend a moment in prayer. I cannot believe we have been doing this tradition for about 8 years now and my kids are okay with it. They do not rush it, they are not fidgety, they respect that this day is to be about Jesus first. Man, that brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it! A wonderful family tradition!
(the kiddos getting ready to sing the birthday song)
It has been fun sharing my most favorite traditions with you all, I'm looking forward to hearing yours!
"Healthy Eating for Kids" eBook Review-A Win/Win!!
Today's society is on the go and in the car, so instant gratification has become a way of life. Unfortunately, this includes the increased risk of obesity among children and adults alike. It is so easy for us to fall into that rut of hitting the drive-thru on the way to soccer practice and grabbing that "to go" meal on the way to church. That is why I was excited to review the "Healthy Eating for Kids" eBook.
"Healthy Eating for Kids" was written with busy families in mind. With over 60 fun and unique recipes, they have included everything from snacks and drinks, to lunches, dinners and desserts. Each of the recipes is designed to incorporate the vitamins and minerals that our children need and most can be prepared in 15 minutes or less.
Another reason I liked "Healthy Eating for Kids" is because they have recipes for most age groups as well. From simple and young snacks like "Ants on a Log" to the oh so easy to make "Open-Faced Quesadillas", this eBook doesn't just appeal to younger children. My older children found a lot of these recipes fantastic as well. In fact, I can feed all 5 of us one of these healthy meals in 20 minutes and the recipes are easy and fun so they love to help. It's a win/win!
Check out the eBook for yourself at or the Amazon Kindle version at:
Official Loving the Family Life Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars!!!!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I Love Scrubs!!
Before I took on not for profit work in the mental health field, I worked for 6 years in a cancer center. Working there opened my mind up to several new opportunities and created great avenues for change for me. Although working there was sometimes sad, one of the most favorite things for me was being able to wear scrubs.
Scrubs, in my opinion, are some of the most comfortable clothes there are. From plain to patterns, they offer the perfect amount of "wiggle room" so to speak. I loved having different patterns for each holiday and finding odd colors that no one else had.
I still love relaxing in my scrubs so that's why I was excited to find Blue Sky Scrubs at They have a great selection of colors and schemes as well as accessories such as lanyards and jewelry to match. They even have scrub hats in different solids and patterns to match.
For those of you that are employed in doctors offices and other health care facilities, they also carry lab coats and other uniforms. They even have scrub hats in different solids and patterns to match. They offer customized scrubs where you choose the colors, sizes and styles while they keep your comfort in mind.
So whether you are someone like me who just likes to hang out comfortably to those who have to dress in scrubs, Blue Sky Scrubs is a great place to shop! Check them out today!!
Scrubs, in my opinion, are some of the most comfortable clothes there are. From plain to patterns, they offer the perfect amount of "wiggle room" so to speak. I loved having different patterns for each holiday and finding odd colors that no one else had.
I still love relaxing in my scrubs so that's why I was excited to find Blue Sky Scrubs at They have a great selection of colors and schemes as well as accessories such as lanyards and jewelry to match. They even have scrub hats in different solids and patterns to match.
For those of you that are employed in doctors offices and other health care facilities, they also carry lab coats and other uniforms. They even have scrub hats in different solids and patterns to match. They offer customized scrubs where you choose the colors, sizes and styles while they keep your comfort in mind.
So whether you are someone like me who just likes to hang out comfortably to those who have to dress in scrubs, Blue Sky Scrubs is a great place to shop! Check them out today!!
Strolling Along....
My husband and I will celebrate our 2nd anniversary on November 28th. Our family currently has a blended dynamic: I came into the marriage with William who is now 11 and Kiersten who will be 9 in 5 days. Charles came into the marriage with his daughter Sadie who is now 8. Together, we have added Max, our Jack Russell and Miley, Oliver, and Gage, our cats.
Sometimes Charles and I talk about adding a baby into the mix. Although we know that this is not really an option for us, it is still fun to think about. We talk about whether we would have a boy or a girl, or whether or not we would want twins. We talk about names-he sometimes wants a Charles, Jr. and I would like a Alexandria. We dream of little toes and a little nose.
I often picture myself on a beach. I see myself with a stroller, one of those joggers, enjoying the afternoon sun with my baby cuddled up and me taking in the scenery. I see my husband and our kiddos playing in the water and digging up sea shells, and Max digging in the sand. Or we are walking the trails through the forest, the baby and I trailing behind the rest of the family.
It's funny the way our minds work, I can almost smell the salt water and feel the sunlight as I push the newest member of our family in that stroller. I can almost hear the older kids yelling at me to catch up as the trail turns around the bend. No worries about the fact that I will be 35 in less than a month, no worries about financial burdens, no worries about what our families will say, no worries about not having enough room, just strolling along, in my mind....
Friday, November 18, 2011
I am a Miracle!!!
As you all know I just got back into town this evening from our good old capitol-Jefferson City. I spent the entire week out there taking the Missouri Peer Specialist Certification Training. I would like to extend an extra special thank you to Christina Flis for holding down the fort here on the blogsite and to the numerous blogger friends oe mine that kept our Facebook page rolling! To them, I am eternally grateful.
For those of you who are curious, a peer specialist is a mental health consumer (me) that provides support for other consumers in the mental health field (the young adults I work with). While I will not bore you with the specifics, we are trained in using our recovery stories to provide support to others in their recovery.
I learned so much this week about the proper techniques and tools to use to promote recovery, but I found that while I was taking in all of this training, I was learning more about myself. I had what Oprah calls an "aha moment", an "epiphany" if you will. I learned that I spend a lot of time using a coping mechanism called negative self-talk.
Negative self-talk is detrimental to one's self-esteem to the point where it becomes a barrier in moving on with one's life. Negative self-talk can come in many forms: "I am ugly", "I will never get that promotion", "I will never finish my education", "I am stupid", "they must be thinking 'here comes the fat girl'". Furthermore, negative self-talk becomes our beliefs about ourselves and therefore becomes reality.
We discussed this in detail, through the tears, and I've decided that this is an area that I will work on. The trainers put it to me like this: "if you are saying something to yourself that you would not say to your children, than you should not be saying it". They were right-I DARE somebody to call my child stupid, I DARE somebody to tell my child that they are ugly.
From now on, I have made a promise to myself that I will watch for these negative threats to my character, I will catch them and I will change them. I said earlier that I am a mental health consumer, and I am, I am also a recovering alcoholic, and a recovering addict. I am a wife, and a mother, and a peer specialist. I have a story, a recovery story, and that makes me a miracle!
For those of you who are curious, a peer specialist is a mental health consumer (me) that provides support for other consumers in the mental health field (the young adults I work with). While I will not bore you with the specifics, we are trained in using our recovery stories to provide support to others in their recovery.
I learned so much this week about the proper techniques and tools to use to promote recovery, but I found that while I was taking in all of this training, I was learning more about myself. I had what Oprah calls an "aha moment", an "epiphany" if you will. I learned that I spend a lot of time using a coping mechanism called negative self-talk.
Negative self-talk is detrimental to one's self-esteem to the point where it becomes a barrier in moving on with one's life. Negative self-talk can come in many forms: "I am ugly", "I will never get that promotion", "I will never finish my education", "I am stupid", "they must be thinking 'here comes the fat girl'". Furthermore, negative self-talk becomes our beliefs about ourselves and therefore becomes reality.
We discussed this in detail, through the tears, and I've decided that this is an area that I will work on. The trainers put it to me like this: "if you are saying something to yourself that you would not say to your children, than you should not be saying it". They were right-I DARE somebody to call my child stupid, I DARE somebody to tell my child that they are ugly.
From now on, I have made a promise to myself that I will watch for these negative threats to my character, I will catch them and I will change them. I said earlier that I am a mental health consumer, and I am, I am also a recovering alcoholic, and a recovering addict. I am a wife, and a mother, and a peer specialist. I have a story, a recovery story, and that makes me a miracle!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Best Dough Ever
Guest Blog By Christina Flis
Wednesday is finally here! Well, it's almost Thursday but I've just been so busy in the kitchen today I almost forgot about blogging. Every Wednesday I spend a majority of the day in the kitchen, baking something from scratch and preparing for the weekend. Also, my 4 year old is normally in charge of dinner this particular day and he likes to help mommy in the kitchen!
I don't know about your kids, but mine LOVE pizza! It's so fun having a little helper, and he loves to eat the food he's made. Today I thought I'd share my pizza dough recipe since I have so many people who have asked for it. This also works beautifully for calzones.
Proof one packet of active dry yeast with 1/2 cup warm water, a teaspoon of sugar and a good squeeze from the honey bear. Let sit about 10 minutes.
Add: 3/4 warm milk, 2 tablespoons of oil, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 clove of garlic (grated or pressed) and 1 1/2 cups of unbleached white flour. Stir until a soft dough is formed. Add up to 1 1/2 cups of BREAD flour. I like to use the two different types of flour because I like the texture difference. Stir until ball is formed and flour is mixed thoroughly. Knead for 10 minutes. Place in greased bowl, covered with a cloth for an hour.
When the hour is up, break off 8 handfuls of dough, and roll into balls. Place on pan (I use The Pampered Chef Large Bar Pan) and let rise for an additional hour.
Using hand, manipulate dough into an 8 pie. Make sure not to use a rolling pin as this releases more air and can cause a hard and chewy crust. Fold over to form a crust, baste with butter and garlic salt. Place in an oven preheated to 450* for 5 minutes. Top with sauce, half the cheese and other toppings of your choice. I personally like to fry my pepperonis so they have an extra crunch! It almost tastes like bacon, and who doesn't like bacon?! Top with the remainder of the cheese (this prevents the dough from getting soggy) Brush the crust again with butter and garlic salt. I also grate fresh Parmesan cheese for extra flavor! Bake for 7-10 minutes and enjoy!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Mind Over Matter
Guest Blog By Christina Flis
Monday's......ugh. Seems like that is everybody's response to the first day of the work week. Does anyone know why Mondays are such a downer? I often wonder why Monday has such a bad reputation.
Monday's......ugh. Seems like that is everybody's response to the first day of the work week. Does anyone know why Mondays are such a downer? I often wonder why Monday has such a bad reputation.
I'll be the first to admit, it's no fun going back to work or school after a fun filled weekend! But when you are constantly dreading Monday morning, what do you expect? You're not making it any better! Wouldn't it be so much easier to plan something enjoyable for Monday?
Monday for me is almost a blessing in disguise. It is the ONLY day that I wake up and cringe when I manage to drag myself to the living room. I always ponder how my house is so messy. Then it hits me. Of course my house is a mess, my husband was home all weekend! Between the extra dishes, the mess on the stove, clothes scattered everywhere and the mess my kids make daily, it's a never ending battle! No wonder it is trashed every Monday.
After breakfast I spend most of the day doing dishes, laundry, vacuuming, more laundry and more dishes. By the time my boys go down for their naps, my house is back in order and I'm exhausted. Monday is the only day I strictly use nap time as "me" time. Whether it's watching TV, playing a game, or laying in the floor enjoying the silence, I always reward myself.
I've noticed that my Mondays have been much more pleasurable once I made myself so busy, I couldn't remember how awful they typically are. Today was very productive Monday for me, I got a lot of work done and even got a new client! I know that Monday is almost over, but I hope you have an awesome Monday next week! It's all mind over matter, right?
Saturday, November 12, 2011
A little about Christina Flis
Guest Blog by Christina Flis
Hi everybody! Cathi is leaving us tomorrow and heading to Jefferson City for training conferences. I thought I would take this time before she leaves to wish her safe travels and introduce myself since I'll be guest blogging for her this week!
My name is Christina, I'm 26 years old and I live in what Good Morning America calls The Most Beautiful Place in America, Asheville North Carolina. My husband Kevin and I have been married for two years and have been blessed with two amazing little boys Christopher, our oldest is 4 1/2 going on 15. Kaleb aka Baby Man is 16 months!
In addition to full time wife and mommy mode I'm also a freelance writer, caterer, and I'm helping my closest friends with marketing, advertising and public relations for their hip hop band, CrazyHorse & Colston. You may have seen the name if you entered for Cathi's Super 2,000 Fan Celebration! They were one of many amazing sponsors Cathi has been in contact with.
In what little free time I have, I enjoy; cooking, baking, hiking, anything outdoors, shopping *saving money*, watching movies, pretty much anything! I'm addicted to Starbucks, Bath and Body Works and YouTube. I'm a medical mystery so I'm trying to be more of a free spirit. Loving life one day at a time. Embracing each day and the ones I love.
This week you'll get to know me and my family. I hope your excited! I can't wait to share with you how the east coast is Loving the Family Life!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Don't Know What to Get the Man in Your Life For Christmas?
Find REAL Racing Action Here! Order Now and get 1 Action-Packed DVD, PLUS a bonus gift. A $34.95 value for ONLY $4.95!!!!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I'm a Little Biased!!
Okay, okay, I admit it, I am a little biased-but my child just might be a genius. Humble? No way!! Proud, I know its a sin, but I'm all over it.
Kiersten is my 8 year old. She often asks questions that most children don't really care that much about. Last night it was "Mommy, where did they get the saying DeJaVu?" A couple days ago it was "if you pour pop into a glass that already has some in it, does that pop go to the top of the glass or stay at the bottom?" Who thinks like that at 8? She is already thinking outside the box-way to go girl!
Tonight, Kiersten has decided that she would like to take stuff apart and inspect the inside of it. While it was hard to find something for her, we gave her two old remotes to "inspect". She is inspecting the circuit board and the little rubber thing that has the buttons on it. She is putting them together and taking them apart to figure out just how they make things work. She is questioning why some things have wires and why some don't. She is also giving us "live demonstrations".
Prompting thought, I wonder to myself what she will be when she grows up. I know we all wonder, but I really ponder it. She loves dogs, maybe she will be a veterinarian. She likes to draw, maybe she will be an artist. She is super smart, maybe she will be a teacher or a doctor. She loves to take electronics apart and put them back together, maybe she will be a computer analyst or technician.
Whatever path Kiersten chooses, I hope that she knows how proud I am of her. I hope she chooses a career path that makes her feel complete. I hope that she knows that it doesn't matter how much money she makes, what matters most is her happiness and her family's happiness. Who knows, maybe I'm a little biased??
Kiersten is my 8 year old. She often asks questions that most children don't really care that much about. Last night it was "Mommy, where did they get the saying DeJaVu?" A couple days ago it was "if you pour pop into a glass that already has some in it, does that pop go to the top of the glass or stay at the bottom?" Who thinks like that at 8? She is already thinking outside the box-way to go girl!
Tonight, Kiersten has decided that she would like to take stuff apart and inspect the inside of it. While it was hard to find something for her, we gave her two old remotes to "inspect". She is inspecting the circuit board and the little rubber thing that has the buttons on it. She is putting them together and taking them apart to figure out just how they make things work. She is questioning why some things have wires and why some don't. She is also giving us "live demonstrations".
(Kiersten looking in the dictionary with her circuit board)
Prompting thought, I wonder to myself what she will be when she grows up. I know we all wonder, but I really ponder it. She loves dogs, maybe she will be a veterinarian. She likes to draw, maybe she will be an artist. She is super smart, maybe she will be a teacher or a doctor. She loves to take electronics apart and put them back together, maybe she will be a computer analyst or technician.
Whatever path Kiersten chooses, I hope that she knows how proud I am of her. I hope she chooses a career path that makes her feel complete. I hope that she knows that it doesn't matter how much money she makes, what matters most is her happiness and her family's happiness. Who knows, maybe I'm a little biased??
Eversave-Join Today!!
Save 50% - 90% at the best places to shop, eat, see and do in your own neighborhood. New places in your area featured every day!!! Join Eversave Today!!!!
Ipos i-Say Panel is Accepting New Panelists!!!!
i-Say is a community of dedicated individuals comprised of hundreds of thousands of people all interested in achieving one goal - sharing their opinions. i-Say panel members take surveys, create polls and help shape the products and services we all use every day. Earn points for taking surveys and use them towards charities, gift cards or cash.
Join the Ipsos i-Say Community today and take surveys to earn points and redeem gift cards or cash.
Join the Ipsos i-Say Community today and take surveys to earn points and redeem gift cards or cash.
Burt's Bees Natural Skin Care Solutions Review!!!
I have always had trouble with my face. Half of it is dry while the other half is oily. I have tried many products, some of which gave me red blotchy spots while others clogged my pores which in turn made me sweat. A lot of the products I tried also made it unusually hard to put my makeup on after I used their products and would either leave my skin very oily, or very dry. Sometimes I would even get a rash. What gives? I had honestly given up on washing my face.
About a month ago I began using a new skin care line from Burt's Bees. I will tell you I am a little biased as I have always loved their products. I had never tried their facial products though, and this line was somewhat different. The Natural Skin Care Solutions for Sensitive Skin facial wash is amazing! It is thick and creamy and made me feel like I was pampering myself. After washing, I use the daily moisturizing cream and guess what? No clogged pores, no super oily feeling, and I can put my make up on right after the lotion dries. I even use the moisturizer on my hands and elbows because this time of the year they get so dry, and their moisturizer helps them feel smooth.
If you haven't tried them yet, I encourage you to try Burt's Bees skin products for all of your personal care needs. From lip balms and lip color to throat drops and toothpaste, Burt's Bees has a great line of products that fill all of your personal care needs!!
Loving the Family Life Rating: 5 out of 5 stars!!!
Loving the Family Life Rating: 5 out of 5 stars!!!
I am a BzzAgent and am trying Burt's Bees Natural Skin Care Solutions through them. The opinions expressed here are solely my own and are in no way affiliated with BzzAgent or Burt's Bees.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Where Does it Become Our Responsibility??
I have really been thinking a lot about this doctor, Conrad Murray, that is being charged for involuntary manslaughter in the Michael Jackson case. America, what is going on here? At what point do we start to take responsibility for our actions? The defense argued that Michael Jackson gave himself this final dose of the anesthetic that unfortunately took his life. I am not being calloused here, I feel for his family and this is a very unfortunate event. In fact, I loved Michael Jackson and was sad about it all, but where does the buck stop?
Let's look back in time at 1994 for a minute here. A woman sues McDonald's because the coffee was too hot. Really? Unfortunate, yes...the restaurant making hot coffee...inevitable. If it wasn't hot she would have complained that it was cold. At what point did the woman drop the coffee in her lap....and at what point did that deem the restaurant the fault?
Fast forward: 2002. A man hires a lawyer and files a suit against the four big fast food chains. He claims he is obese because of their fatty foods. Okay, seriously, I am's my own fault. I do not eat right and I do not exercise right, it is my responsibility. I made me this way. I am not out getting sue happy trying to get rich over it.
It never ceases to amaze me sometimes what goes on here in the land of the free. I know people that can't wait to see that "Caution: wet floor" sign so they can take advantage of a lawsuit. I also know someone else that got a crack in the front windshield of their car, then drove around forever looking for a truck full of rocks so they could call the 800-number on the back to get a new windshield.
C'mon, America, at what point does it become our responsibility? It is our fault if we are lazy, it is our fault if we are materialistic, and it is our fault if some of us are money hungry. Let's take responsibility, I know I am!!
Disney Club Penguin, Come Find New Adventures!!!
Disney Games produces an award-winning portfolio of online virtual worlds for kids and families based on Disney’s beloved characters and stories. Each month tens of millions of unique visitors play one of Disney's virtual worlds in over 190 countries.
Disney virtual worlds are a place where a kids’ adventure is unique depending on how they choose to live their online experience. Disney provides the tools and the environment, but the kids write the story. Come be a part of the magic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Global Test Market Is Expanding to New Countries!!!
Global Test Market is a survey site that is officially expanding to 12 new markets!! They are expanding to more countries that they did not have before. Go check them out and start your survey today!!!
Now serving:
Hong Kong
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
Hong Kong
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
Friday, November 4, 2011
Recently Looked Into it
Authored by Rickey Combs
I recently looked into Texas electricity providers to try to save us money at home. We’ve been fighting nonstop lately about money and because I lost my job not too long ago things have been tighter than ever around here. My husband seems to think I needlessly spend when I shouldn’t but to be honest, I think he’s the one who spends too much. I can’t believe there was ever a time when we were on the same page about money and I’m thinking of calling a marriage counselor because that’s how bad things have gotten around here. I wish there was some way for me to talk to him without it turning into a screaming match but you know, that’s why I think we need a professional brought in. I think it would be such a shame if we let something as trivial as money come between us after all this time and I’m going to do everything I can to make absolute sure that doesn’t ever happen.
I recently looked into Texas electricity providers to try to save us money at home. We’ve been fighting nonstop lately about money and because I lost my job not too long ago things have been tighter than ever around here. My husband seems to think I needlessly spend when I shouldn’t but to be honest, I think he’s the one who spends too much. I can’t believe there was ever a time when we were on the same page about money and I’m thinking of calling a marriage counselor because that’s how bad things have gotten around here. I wish there was some way for me to talk to him without it turning into a screaming match but you know, that’s why I think we need a professional brought in. I think it would be such a shame if we let something as trivial as money come between us after all this time and I’m going to do everything I can to make absolute sure that doesn’t ever happen.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
It's MegaSwagbucks Friday!!!
Don't forget it's Mega Swagbucks Friday!!! Earn reward points to be redeemed for awesome prizes!! I use my points for gift cards that I giveaway as contest prizes!! Get your Swagbuck ON!!!!!!
Prefense 24 Hour Hand Sanitizer Review and Giveaway!!!
Fall is upon us and with Fall comes infection. From colds to the flu, colder weather means more sick days and lots of time in bed. That is why I was excited to try out an exciting new product called Prefense.
Prefense hand sanitizer is made up of all-natural ingredients with absolutely no alcohol, which as we all know can crack our skin whenever it is this cold out. It also offers up to 24 hours worth of protection or the equivalent of 10 hand-washings. It's non-toxic formula made it was safe for the kiddos as well, and will not hurt them if your little toddler decides to put their hands in their mouths!!
At first I was skeptical, who wouldn't be? It felt a little sticky at first, but once it dried my hands actually felt cleaner! It also didn't dry my hands out like most sanitizers do which is always a plus in my book. And because it lasts all day, it is super cost effective.
Visit their website today at and check out their line of products. From single hand sanitizer bottles to wipes Prefense provides a defense in advance from any transfer of germs that make you sick. Rest easy know Prefense will safeguard you and your family in today's world of bacteria and other germs.
Prefense would like to giveaway their big 8oz Prefense which offers 640
applications! -- with one spray lasting all day, that one bottle of
Prefense could potentially last one user almost 2 years!
You can purchase Prefense's superior products directly at their website or from Amazon at
Or you can enter to win an 8 oz bottle of Prefense by filling out the Rafflecopter below!!
Good Luck!!!
Good Luck!!!
P90X Risk Free for a Limited Time!!!
As seen on TV P90X is a revolutionary system of 12 sweat-inducing, muscle-pumping workouts, designed to transform your body from regular to RIPPED in just 90 days!! Try it risk free for a limited time!!!
Ditch Your Wallet and Grab the Callet!!!! Phone cover, case, and wallet in ONE!!!
Introducing The Callet - a phone cover, case and wallet in one. Traveling light has never been easier.
The Callet is perfect for a night on the town, going to the gym, a school ID card - even your hotel room key. In fact, once you experience the freedom - you may just ditch that wallet or purse for good.
Just in Time for Christmas!!! Children's Book of the Month Club!!
Join now and get 6 books for $2 plus a FREE gift with membership in Children's Book-of-the-Month Club! Join now and take advantage of this amazing offer! Simply select your Introductory books and sign up in just two easy steps. Then, you'll be able to continue shopping from our vast catalog of titles as a member!
Enter to Win the $10,000 Sears Sweepstakes!!!
Join Eversave Coupons & Savings to enter the $10,000 Sears Sweepstakes! Along with a chance to win $10,000 worth of spending money at Sears, you'll also receive: -Great coupons and savings delivered to your in box -Samples from top name brands link SC Johnson, Pampers and Dove. -Deals up to 90% Off you love to do.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Reader's Digest $5.00 Sale!!!!!!!!!!!
November 1st - 7th, get select books, CD's and DVD's for only $5 while supplies last!
As always, all orders over $25 qualify for free shipping at Reader's Digest Store! Click on the blue link below to start saving!!!!!
Select Books for $5.00 PLUS Free Shipping!!!!!
Now until November 7th, get select cookbooks, gardening, home and children's books for only $5 while supplies last at Shop Taste of Home! AND use code LST88 for free shipping on orders over $20 too! Click on Blue Link Below to start shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$5 Children's Book Sale! Supplies Limited! For additional savings use code: LST89 for free shipping on orders over $20!
$5 Children's Book Sale! Supplies Limited! For additional savings use code: LST89 for free shipping on orders over $20!
Looney Tunes ClickN READ Phonics Program!!!
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